Welcome to the online Wellington County Business Directory. The County of Wellington has made every effort to ensure that the information in this business and community directory is accurate. However, businesses and organizations are in a continual state of change and therefore, the County cannot guarantee the absolute correctness, absence of errors or omissions of all information furnished.

If you require changes to your existing entry please use the login button below, or contact the County of Wellington's Economic Development Office at 519.837.2600 x2614 or by e-mail. If you would like to register your business, please use the Register button.

Please note: Only business located in Wellington County, and that are Taste Real Programme Partners are promoted in the County directory. Information may be shared with the local municipality in which the business is located.

Craig Family Farm

8648 Highway 6
Arthur, ON
N0G 1A0

As stewards of the land we are amazed by the regenerative powers of pastures and cattle. We raised 100 head of cattle in our 100 acres of pasture. We strive to be leaders in animal husbandry and welfare. We consider the well being of our animals, our environment, our business and our health in our production decisions. We think you will easily notice our level of care in the quality of products we offer.

The breed of cattle we raise is Speckle Park which is known for its ability to finish on pastures and for its meat tendernes and flavour. We offer monthly feature boxes as well as custom orders of our pasture raised beef.

Open by appointment.

Must Taste Item: Our Wellington County Breakfast Steaks
